E12 - Sia Møller at DSV

Maddy Norris
Sia Møller

By Maddy Norris & Sia Møller

On our 12th episode of our women in tech spin-off series, our Principal IP Consultant Maddy Norris was joined by Sia Møller, the Senior IT Security Specialist at DSV. Sia is an experienced IT Security Specialist with a demonstrated history of working for global companies. Sia is skilled in Information Security including Security Operations (IR), Network Security, Vulnerability Management, and IT Risk Management alongside her certifications in GCIH and CISSP.

When she was younger, she saw herself as a journalist writing articles for newspapers which led her to study Social Studies with a Journalism major. After graduating high school, she didn’t get into the university of choice, Sia had to figure out what she was going to do from that point forward. All her friends were moving to Copenhagen, so she moved with them. Sia ended up securing a full-time job in an ISP supporting small business customers with their internet and phone connections. A year after her first role she started studying as an IT Engineer on a 2-year higher education course. Sia made her way through the ISP space for 6 years after that before moving into security.

Throughout her experience in her first few roles and on her higher education course, there were very few women working alongside her. However, as time progressed, she became more confident and knew that if she wanted to achieve her career goals, she needed to have mentors and role models who have already been in those positions. She eventually adapted to her environment, and she didn’t let this stop her from doing what she loved.

Moving to DSV was Sia’s first experience working with a large/global company, and meeting people from across the world was the aspect she loved so much. Day to day she performs 2nd and 3rd-level support to their incident response team as well as a lot of vulnerability management.

When it comes to the Networking space, you have to constantly stay on top of the new and upcoming trends. Although she is currently on maternity leave, she has been making sure she is continuously learning still. No matter what you need to keep up to date, there’s a huge shift at the moment with things like virtualisation and cloud, so it’s important to constantly look into emerging technologies/trends.


The skills that would be most useful to you are soft skills. Be curious and don’t be afraid to learn something new. The industry is evolving fast and having the confidence to overcome and learn new things is incredibly important.

If you’re just starting out, learning a scripting language with the goal of doing automation is key. It’s what is expected in most job ads these days so it’s crucial you follow the trends of what hiring managers are asking for.

Sia shares some advice to any women who are looking to get into the industry and how to overcome any obstacles a woman in tech may have. Tune in now!